In this article I will tell you how to Download files from file exchangers. To begin with, I want to say that not all files on the site have the status of «premium» (that is, the ability to download only by subscription), many files have the status of free. such files are mainly on our new file hosting — 1DL.NET
Find the download link inside the post:
click on it.
Next: wait 40-60 sec. and download file FREE.
If you want more files, you can buy a premium subscription and download an almost unlimited number of files. (the limit is set by file hosting. approximately 100 GB per day)
to buy a subscription. click on the link where you want to make a purchase. it can be any hosting from the list of your choice
Choose a premium plan and a payment method that suits you, the choice is very large. Be sure all payments are protected, your data will not fall into intruders.
Next for Example chose this payment method.
Next: Then choose how you would like to pay.
After successful payment, a premium activation key will be sent to the mail on which the account is registered.
in order to activate the key, you need to go to your account, click the settings, the area where it says Apply Premium Key
DONE! NOW you can download any file on this host.
By this analogy, you can buy premium on other file hosting sites.
Rest assured. all files are safe, checked by antivirus.
Good luck. And thanks for using site.