MotionArray – Retro TV Logo 1023374
Retro TV Logo is a cool-looking Premiere Pro template with a dynamically animated scene with a TV that turns on to display your logo and text. It contains 2 text placeholders and 1 logo placeholder. You can use it as an introduction to your TV shows. Grab it today. Available in HD.
Premiere CC 2018 | 1920x1080 (HD) | No Plug-Ins
Retro TV Logo is a cool-looking Premiere Pro template with a dynamically animated scene with a TV that turns on to display your logo and text. It contains 2 text placeholders and 1 logo placeholder. You can use it as an introduction to your TV shows. Grab it today. Available in HD.
Premiere CC 2018 | 1920x1080 (HD) | No Plug-Ins