MotionArray – Top Secret: Confidential Intro 996325
Top Secret: Confidential Intro is a professionally designed and grunge Premiere Pro template that uses a stunning combination of effects and animations to reveal and enhance your media. This template contains 4 editable text layers, 3 media placeholders, and 1 logo placeholder. You can use this to show the mysterious and paranormal events, social media intros, and motion graphics projects. Available in HD. A detailed video tutorial is included.
Premiere CC 2019 | 1920x1080 (HD) | No Plug-Ins
Top Secret: Confidential Intro is a professionally designed and grunge Premiere Pro template that uses a stunning combination of effects and animations to reveal and enhance your media. This template contains 4 editable text layers, 3 media placeholders, and 1 logo placeholder. You can use this to show the mysterious and paranormal events, social media intros, and motion graphics projects. Available in HD. A detailed video tutorial is included.
Premiere CC 2019 | 1920x1080 (HD) | No Plug-Ins